Book Launch, Natural Wonders, North Adams Public Library, North Adams, MA 2024

“Natural Wonders,” a poetry chapbook, Finishing Line Press, August 2024

Poem in Paddock Review:

HOORWA, Hoosic River Watershed Association, Music and Poetry Along the River, poem, ‘By the Hoosic River,’ 2023

Poem, “Happiness in Small Formats,” International Poetry Review, Vol. 45, 2022

Poem, “Orange Lilies,” in Mass Poetry’s The Hard Work of Hope, Nov. 3, 2021

Theater Review, “Death by Bureaucracy: ‘Hang’ by debbie tucker green,” Shakespeare&Co., in Berkshire Fine Arts

Theater Review, “The Many Loves of Eleanor Roosevelt: Harriet Harris in Eleanor,” The Barrington Stage, Pittsfield, MA, in Berkshire Fine Arts

Theater Review, “Becoming Othello: a Black Girl’s Journey,” Shakespeare&Co., in Berkshire Fine Arts

Poem, “Where I Lie,” in A Poetry Anthology on Universal Oneness, Author’s Press, India, 2019

Poem, “In the Dark,” in Writer’s Resist, March 2018

Poem, “Towards the Future,” in Fired Up, Nov. 2017

“New England Review: Chatham and Williamstown Galleries” in American Arts Quarterly 

Article, “The Spiritual Currency of Sylvia Maier,” in American Arts Quarterly Spring 2017

Review, “Biotope: Friends, Life Forms, Landscapes at Gallery 51”

Poem, "Poet in Jungle," in the Quarterly Treasures in Panoply, a Journal of Intelligent Travel, 2016

Poem, "Late," in From the Finger Lakes, an Anthology, 2016

"Études," a poetry chapbook, Finishing Line Press, Spring 2016

Poems, "Indian Summer," and "Gold and Green," in Greylock Independent, Oct, Nov 2016

Article, "Geography and Loss: Hudson Valley Ruins at NY State Museum," in American Arts Quarterly, Fall 2016

Article, "Chaos and Catharsis in the Paintings of Stephen Hannock," in American Arts Quarterly, Fall 2016

Article, "Light, Magic, Memory in the Landscapes of Scott Prior," in American Arts Quarterly, Summer 2016

Poem, "Solstice," Greylock Independent, March 2016

Article, "William Oberst: Enigmatic Painter," in American Arts Quarterly, Winter 2016

Article, "Mystery and Ideal Form in the Paintings of Gillian Pederson-Krag," in American Arts Quarterly, Fall 2015

Essay, "Discovering the Invisible Market," (part of Monsoon Midnights) in The Big Chili, 2015

Article, "Transforming Tradition at the Harvard University Art Museums," in American Arts Quarterly, Spring 2015

Essay, "The Animals Come Alive at Night," (part of Monsoon Midnights) in The Big Chili, April 2015 pp. 69-71

"The Pearl Walls of Bangkok," in Monsoon Midnights now available on Kindle: Monsoon Midnights: Short stories by The Bangkok Women's Writers Group, Anette Pollner. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks

Poem, "Life in Snow," in Anthology, Simplicity in the 21st Century, IMPROV, Green Fuse Press, 2014

Review, "Before They Became Heroes or Villains," at William Baczeck Fine Arts, in Northampton, MA, Fall 2014

Article, "Magnifying Stillness: Locating Meaning in the Work of Ephraim Rubenstein," in American Arts Quarterly, Summer 2014

Essay, "The Pearl Walls of Bangkok," (part of "Monsoon Midnights") in The Big Chili, April 2014

Essay, "Two Stories," in The Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, Spring 2014

Article, "Color as a Narrative Tool in Surimono Prints," in American Arts Quarterly, Fall 2013,

Article, "Max Ginsburg, Social Commentator of His Time," in American Arts Quarterly, Summer 2013,

Poem, "Pine Trees in Snow," Amsterdam Quarterly 2012

Essay, "T.S. Eliot in Dhaka,"  Vol 1 No. 8, International Journal of Humanities;_July_2011/32.pdf

Essay, "Liminal," accompanying the SF show by Lisa Goldshmid. Ampersand International Arts, 2011

Book, COLORS: Passages through Art, Asia and Nature, 2010,

Article, "Indigo, Asia's Blue Gold" in Sawadii Magazine, BKK, Thailand, 2009

"Buddhist Chanting" Cover, editing, introduction, BKK, 2009

Poem, "Geography and Freedom" in Die Brucke #9, Zeitschrift fur Germanistik Sudenstasion, 2009

Poems in "Bangkok, Boston, Brattleboro: Alien Pens on Familiar Places" (chapbook), 2008

Poem, "Two Elephants," in The Big Chili, BKK, January 2008

Article, "The Prasart Museum, a Piece of Land and a Dream," NMV Journal, Bangkok, 2008

Poems in Bangkok Blondes, Bangkok Book House: “Two Elephants,” “Palm, Four Windows,” “Running,” “Pigeon with Red Feet,” “Who Discovered Water,” “Wheel,” 2007

Writer/editor for photojournalism book, "In Our Eyes," NMV, National Museum, Bangkok, 2007

Poem, "Trilogy," Rockhurst Review, 2007

Review, "Natural Process," Thailand Art and Design Guide, Bangkok, Thailand, September 2007

Article, "Natural Dyes in Asian Textiles," NMV Journal, Bangkok, 2007

Articles, "The Workshop," "The 9 Steps of Dyeing," in Naturally, Journal of the International Symposium of Natural Dyes, Hyderabad, India, 2006

Essay, "Sustainable Process," HCC Gallery, Houston, 2006

Excerpts from Iron and Molasses in The Jute, U.S. Embassy, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006

Chapters, "Indigo Stories," JPPP (Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice), Lesley University, December 2005

Finalist, Frost Poetry Award, Robert Frost Foundation, 2005

Article, "Light on Water: Being an Artist in Bangladesh," Art New England, April-May 2002

Essay, "My Ticket to the White Rooms," Coping Magazine, 2004

Essay, "My Ticket to the White Rooms," Survivor Stories, 2004

Poems, in Life Stories, Haworth Press, 2001

Poems in Unbearable Uncertainty, 2000

Grant Finalist, Poetry, Mass. Artist Foundation 1976